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- AI for Orchestrators Newsletter #1
AI for Orchestrators Newsletter #1
AI growth insights for Business Leaders and Organisational Orchestrators
Hello Orchestrators!
your time’s short…so lets dive in…
In todays email:
Science could hold the key to discovering new businesses!
How to capture compound organisational performance through GenAI.
Whats up in HR?
So…your a CFO looking for savings? How about reinvesting instead?
Are employees ahead of their leadership in adopting GenAI? Hint…
So you wanna build a consortia? What to look out for.
Staccato Provocation….
If we can fold proteins and discover 2m+ new materials, what if we target these approaches on discovering and simulating emerging properties in business…?
This weeks news & views:
Google DeepMInd announce GNoME has discovered 2.2 million new materials. Great for science, manufacturing and all kinds of products and supply chains. This builds on previous successes with AlphaFold (protein folding) and AlphaGo (beating the worlds best at…GO). But imagine if these capabilities got turned onto the world of business. Specifically organisation and business model design. In parallel with ongoing transformations of organisations embracing Generative AI, what if entirely new ways of orchestrating business was unleashed onto markets…and entirely new markets? Sounds absurd? Well maybe it is because of our baked-in assumptions. But watch this space, Business Orchestrators…
We’re a year into the post-ChatGPT revolution. The LLM and it’s competitors are riffing their way through our organisational functions, tearing up old assumptions. It’s playing out in real-time as we gorge on new use cases. But how do we capture compound value created by augmenting (and automating) us Orchestrators. The Jury’s still out but there’s plenty of useful advice such as this from EBN on how to harness AI for organisational success.
Four-day weeks…three-day weeks? What’s AI going to do to our traditional assumptions about working time? Here’s a study from the UK with some insights. but wait, Orchestrators. How about we re-imagine what else is possible! If we can automate certain tasks then we can unbundle them from jobs, and create conditions for those job roles to take on expanded or new capabilities. Maybe that extra workday saved can now be utilised on other effective productive tasks…?
McKinsey often comes out with pretty good insights, and usually explained in terms that us mortals can understand. Here’s some advice for what CFO’s need to keep an eye on as the Generative AI wave washes over their organisations. Of course there are lots of juicy functions within the CFO’s own orgs that are up for augmentation, or full spectrum automation. One question is…how will they respond? It depends on the individual, culture and current organisational pressures. But one consideration could be taking a breather on the OPEX (meaning headcount) cuts and maybe aiming those savings at other company initiatives that have been on the back burner. Something to definitely keep an eye on as our CFO’s go through their own disruption phenomena.
Are employees ahead of Management when it comes to GenAI adoption and tactical vision? Well, it depends on the size of the organisation and it’s culture. But if your orchestrating anything bigger than a 50-person shop, the chances are the employees are ahead. Here’s a quick vid I made in my channel under the provocation…”can Leaders keep up with their Teams on GenAI”. To be continued…
Getting new research accelerated and out into commercial or public sector use requires a combination of organisations coming together. No one has a monopoly on all the skills needed to spin-up new science. That means organisations need to come together and figure out ways to collaborate, whilst focusing on their day-to-day jobs. GenAI is of course part of the puzzle as it can speed up ideation, iterations on plans, and cut down on schedules and tracking. Checkout the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence research Consortium and their approach to collaboration.
What I’m noticing…
Sometimes it’s right in front of us. Not at the end of a five year projection.
Businesses of all shapes and sizes are now coming to the realisation that it’s actually possible to square a circle, thanks to the application of cheap, abundant technology placed in the hands of anyone with a $20/month plan and a mobile.
The local town Baker or Restaurant manager now has access to the same analytical and decision support abilities as the biggest global management consultancies. The regional Media company can create and exploit as dynamic marketing campaigns for their clients as the worlds biggest advertising agencies. The local organisations providing training for people needing reskilling to find jobs can now offer the same practical education as the worlds top EMBA courses.
Provocative? Maybe…but who cares. It’s the new reality.
On my mind are the cities and regions outside of the big capitals that are home to businesses, public sector services and learning institutions who are already starting to harness the power of Generative AI to accelerate growth.
They can see the immediate possibilities from applying new AI capabilities to solve old challenges…and discover new opportunities. Opportunities where you don’t have to trade off time, cost and quality. Why not take all three!
So, to those bold enough to challenge old assumptions…go for it!
5 Questions for Organisational Orchestrators:
How can Generative AI's efficiency gains be redirected to fund strategic investments in your organisation?
What innovative opportunities arise from reallocating resources freed by AI automation in your organisation?
How can you leverage AI's cost savings to create or enhance job opportunities?
What sectors show the most promise for reinvestment of AI-generated savings?
How does the reallocation of AI savings align with our growth strategy? Or does it open up new strategic thinking?
That’s all for this week. We’ll be back next week with more staccato bursts on the role of Generative AI and its unfolding impacts on oganisations.
You can also check out my YouTube channel for more riffing on GenAI and organisational development!