AI for Orchestrators - Newsletter #21

AI for Orchestrators - Newsletter #21

The latest AI insights for Business Leaders and Organisational Orchestrators.

Staccato provocation…

Move 37…

Hello Business Orchestrators!

In this weeks newsletter:

Have you started interacting with ChatGPT, or whatever other combination of GenAIs suits your needs, at an instinctive level?

Meaning, do you just naturally interact with it without even thinking about it. It hit me a couple of days ago after some intense sessions scoping out a global investment project. I was using all combinations of ChatGPT4o modality, including capturing ideas through voice on my iPhone in the gym and asking it to render a mindmap, or grabbing the key elements from a video I was listening to….all while I was down the gym. Sad? Possibly. Effective…definitely. By the end of that day I had cycled through all aspects of a proposal outline covering technology, business model, financial comparisons, legal, operational and cultural considerations.

Without breaking a sweat.

There’s a bit of a leadership gap opening up now. Between those who naturally exploit evolving GenAI capabilities, forged in the fires of thousands of use cases, and those that are still debating GenAI’s effectiveness. Certainly, with all emerging technologies there will be learning and adoption curves, but a leader who is not embracing these capabilities within the execution of their own daily tasks is increasing the risk on their own business.

Consider the daily cadence of a Team Leader, Business unit Leader or CEO. They may cycle through meetings and activities touching sales, marketing, financial, R&D, partnership development, M&A, Board discussions and investments…all within the space of eight or so hours.

Consider the compound performance effect, including speed of decision making and allocation of resources, that could accrue from a Leader bringing ChatGPT into every aspect of their activities, with their peers, clients, partners and team members.

Actually it’s already happening, and it’s changing the assumptions of those who are embracing it almost in real-time.

And those rapidly changing business assumptions, challenging what does cost, resource and organisational capability really mean, opens up intriguing business potential…perhaps a Move 78

Boards, Executive Search and Executive Education providers need to be wise to this rapidly evolving Leadership core competency.

Anyway, lets dive into some of the weeks headlines that could be on your radars, dear Orchestrators, as you give me 5 minutes of your valuable time!

This weeks attention grabbers:

  • OpenAI acquires team behind screen sharing tool, Remotion. Guess where this is going for ChatGPT team collaboration across organisations, weaving in agentic capabilities. This will have profound implications for organisational design, capacity and leadership as it plays out (VentureBeat). Looking forward to discussing it on the “Leading with GenAI” Podcast this week.

  • EvolutionaryScale, the AI/Bio startup announced a multi-modal GenAI model that can follow prompts and design unique proteins. Profound, and much to unpack as it plays out. VentureBeat has more.

  • A study says only 28% of CFOs say AI is critical to their financial transformation. The article goes on to describe the definition of “Financial Transformation” as “reshaping, rethinking and modernising financial processes to empower companies to unleash employee potential, establish more efficient systems, create a better company culture and make better business decisions”. Scary stuff (CFO).

  • The EU blames low R&D investment for economic stagnation (ScienceBusiness). Will be interesting to see how this holds up to scrutiny as GenAI will start eating into time and cost constraints of all aspects of EU R&D funding and Innovation. From ideation, applying for funding, getting it and then driving up a greater yield…even as multiple overlapping s-curves play out, including greater scientific and simulation capabilities becoming evenly dispersed, as well as the ability to leverage AI agents across the governance of R&D investments. I’ll be unpacking more of this in August, including how other global regions are capitalising on GenAI to accelerate R&D→commercialisation.

  • Learning from the first 30 days of a Co-Pilot trial (CIO Dive).

  • Accelerating workflow and product design. Figma is out with some new AI capabilities (VentureBeat).

  • YouTube in licensing discussions with music labels over AI (FT)

5 questions for Leadership teams, Boards, Investors and Business Schools:

  1. What specific training programs are we providing to ensure our leaders are proficient in using GenAI tools like ChatGPT?

  2. How do we assess the effectiveness of our leaders' use of GenAI in their daily tasks and decision-making processes?

  3. What benchmarks have we established to measure the impact of GenAI utilisation by our leadership team? And do we understand that these benchmarks can radically shift fast?

  4. How are we encouraging a culture of continuous learning and adaptation to new GenAI technologies among our leaders?

  5. What resources and support systems are in place to assist leaders in integrating GenAI into their workflows effectively?

Staccato Burst…

What’s your move 78…?

That’s all for this week. If you’re curious you can also check out more insights from and the “Leading with GenAI” Podcast on the organisational implications from applying (or not applying) GenAI.