AI for Orchestrators Newsletter #4

AI for Orchestrators Newsletter - #4

The latest AI insights for Business Leaders and Organisational Orchestrators

Staccato Provocation:

Sometimes you gotta take the organisational brakes off…

Hello Orchestrators!

Exponential technologies like generative AI don’t care about quarter or year-end. Its pace of adoption is relentless as organisations and individuals apply new capabilities rolling out of the labs as soon as they can get their hands on them.

This simultaneously unleashes opportunity, risk and uncertainty, often all wrapped up into the same discussion. Every role in every type of organisation is getting challenged by the pace of change as old assumptions (circa ‘22) get swept away by the compound effects of generative AI.

And in many cases this is a welcome relief!

Orchestrators need to understand that generative AI will drive businesses to continuously reconfigure the way they operate.

They need to create the conditions for their organisations to identify & develop rapid performance improvements, and realise that a 2-3x increase in productivity or revenue growth really is possible by levering-up their teams with new tools. And Mindsets.

We are way beyond hype cycles here. Those of us that have been involved in organisational performance shifts, as a result of harnessing combinations of tools such as ChatGPT with new practices, know better.

And it’s just getting started. Better performing LLMs, Anything-to-Anything modality, mathematical, scientific and simulation capabilities, and autonomous agents are all closing in on our organisational horizons.

So much to look forward to, exploit and be cautious about as we dive into 2024! For now lets jump into some of the top news items concerning organisations and generative AI.

In todays email:

  • What do Marketeers and Programmers have in common?

  • Where to start on your GenAI journey…if you haven’t already.

  • Stay close to your CFO; s/he’s about to get a whole new crystal ball.

  • VCs - what’s on their mind for ‘24?

  • Faking it and making it - influencers are getting disrupted by generative AI.

This weeks news:

  • Programmers and Marketeers? What’s the connection? I got triggered by a video from Mathew Berman (recommend subscription) on how the writing could be on the wall over the next few years for Programmers. We’ll see about that, but there’s no doubt their roles are changing as tools such as GitHub CoPilot and ChatGPT become a staple diet of coders. Check out cost break down in performance possibilities at minute 08:45 in the vid for some perspective. But then the discussion took and interesting turn; at a recent hackathon a Product Development Manager (non-technical) won first place by using a combination of AI tools. Skip to 14:50 of the same vid for the story. Why did this get my attention? Recently I was keynoting at a Finnish Marketing event discussing AI in oganisations and I got a lot of questions from Marketeers such as…will Generative AI kill my job? My answer…No! Soon you will have Hollywood-level capabilities in production and distribution, combined with the fact that you will be able to auto-generate new technologies/products by interacting with the AIs. So get on that flywheel now!

  • Not everyone is on the flywheel, of course. But fear not, there’s plenty of good advice out there on how to start applying GenAI to your organisation’s tasks. Check out the tips from Dr Alex Young (recommend subscription). Min 02:30 is a good place to dive in on how to focus your GenAI efforts onto regular structured tasks, freeing our minds up for more higher value unstructured stuff.

  • Stay close to your CFO; s/he’s about to get a whole new crystal ball. Even if they don’t all realise it themselves yet. This Trendline report gives some good perspectives (requires registration).

  • VCs are trying to figure out where to splash their cash in an AI-first world. Here’s Venture Beat offering up some opinions from a wide range of investors.

  • Some Influencers are getting de-influenced by AI-generated…Influencers. And while this is an interesting story in itself, it highlights the opportunities for organisations of all types to extend their brand and support capabilities with rapidly improving voice and video AIs. Financial Times (paywall).

5 (rolling) questions for Orchestrators regarding AI-generated organisational flywheels:

  1. How does enhanced AI in organisations drive better and faster decision-making?

  2. In what ways does faster decision-making contribute to accelerated growth in organisations?

  3. How does accelerated growth attract more investment into an organisation?

  4. In what manner can increased investment facilitate the creation of more spinouts?

  5. How do these spinouts further enhance an organisation's AI capabilities?

MidJourney v6….

Checkout the quality of the latest MidJourney beta. Prompt - “green eye with a spots car reflected in the iris”:

Staccato Plug…

The circular economy took a new turn for me over the summer of ‘23 when I recycled all my LinkedIn blogs from the last eight years, combined with the scripts from all my YouTube channel videos, then dumped them into ChatGPT. After a couple of weeks of conversation with the handy bot I created this book called Staccato Biz and published it on Amazon kindle. An interesting exercise in refreshing a lot of older ideas with new insights. Didn’t make much though!

  • That’s all for this week. Happy new year!